World Project

Prof. Nezu was invited by the royal family of the Principality of Monaco, which aims to become a nursing care nation, to visit Monaco.

Prof. Nezu was invited by the royal family of the Principality of Monaco, which aims to become a nursing care nation, to visit Monaco.

Prof. Nezu was invited by the royal family of the Principality of Monaco, which aims to become a nursing care nation, to visit Monaco.

The first visit to Monaco took place in June 2022 at the invitation of Monaco royal family officials.

Monaco is the country with the highest average age in the world at 54.46 years (as of 2022) and has extremely high care needs.

Monaco has a policy of becoming a nursing care nation, and has shown interest in Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu, the only nursing care technology in the world with medical evidence, which led to Prof. Nezu's invitation to Monaco.

This second study visit to Monaco was held from July 23 to 28, 2023.

The Monaco side requested that a school of Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu be established in Monaco, so a meeting was held to select a location for the school and to discuss school operations.

After a series of lunch and dinner meetings, a suitable location for Nezushiki Kaigogijutsu was decided upon, and a general consensus was reached with the Monaco side regarding the direction of the school's operations.

The Monaco staff listened intently to the advice of Prof. Nezu, who has been deeply involved in the development of Japan's nursing care infrastructure, has an unrivaled administrative track record, and has developed one-of-a-kind caregiving techniques based on medical evidence.

The visit was a great reminder that the world's attention is now shifting from medical care to nursing care.

Monaco, which aims to become a caregiving nation, was extremely interested in and had high expectations for the expertise of Prof. Nezu, who is well versed in caregiving and has worked on various caregiving issues.

I am convinced that the caregiving techniques developed by Prof. Nezu and the know-how accumulated through his experience will be one of the keys to tackling the world's nursing care problems, not only in Monaco but in all countries of the world.
